We are pleased to advise the the STEM4Innovation initiative is building more and more links and creating many more opportunities for WA school studets through our collaborative model of community engagement.
Tim and I are excited to share this news from the East Metro Health Service Innovation Hub about opportunities for your school to be involved with the 2021 WA Schools Youth Innovation Think Tank.
It’s an amazing opportunity to connect your students with ongoing health priorities in our state health services, and sits very comfortably under the umbrella of our Health and Wellbeing track championed by Professor Fiona Wood.
Here’s the invitation:
Hi STEM4Innovation team,
I am pleased to let you know that registration is now open for the East Metropolitan Health Service (EMHS) Youth Innovation Think Tank 2021!
Be a part of the EMHS Youth Innovation Think Tank challenge in 2021 and join an experiential learning opportunity where the student ideas have the chance to be delivered for real patients!
We will learn about Human-Centred Design Thinking and apply our skills to a real world challenge that is faced by the health system. All teams will be provided with a clinical mentor to support them as they consider and design innovative solutions to real wicked problems. Schools will have the opportunity to pitch their solution in front of a panel of judges from the health service executive, and prizes will be awarded for the most innovative ideas.
The winning idea from 2020 is currently under development for EMHS to deliver in the real world!
This free event will be held at Royal Perth Hospital on Friday, 27th August 2021 from 9am-2.30pm. Schools are invited to send a team of 5-8 students from across Years 10 – 12.
We would love for STEM4Innovation to share this event with their schools network and encourage any colleagues who may be curious about health innovation to nominate a team.
Please complete this registration form to advise your school’s interest, and I will confirm places via direct email to the relevant school contact. Please note, places are extremely limited for 2021 so we advise early registration where possible.
Thank you again to all, and I hope to work with you again this year to spark curiosity in our students and lead the cutting edge of youth healthcare innovation in WA.
Stay curious,
Ash and Lindsay
EMHS Innovation Hub